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Tourism UK Ltd was commissioned to prepare a new tourism strategy for County Durham.  The strategy included recommendations for product development, business support, visitor information provision and marketing.  The strategy included a detailed costed action plan showing clear priorities for the partners.

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One of the main challenges faced in preparing a tourism strategy is that the product is not owned by any one organisation.  Consequently it is fine to say that the accommodation offer needs to be improved, but given that it is owned by many small organisations how can the public sector deliver this?  An effective tourism strategy has to recognise that aspects of the product are under different ownership and that consequently the public sector can in some cases only hope to influence change.
A good tourism strategy recognises this fact and gives guidance on how this might be achieved.  It talks about how rather than simply what.
At Tourism UK we have had first hand experience of delivering tourism strategies as well as writing them.  Kevin Kaley was head of tourism at Dunbartonshire Enterprise the economic dvelopment agency covering Loch Lomond and having prepared a tourism strategy for the area Kevin was responsible for ensuring its delivery.
This 'both sides of the table' experience gives Kevin a unique perspective on strategy development.
Tel: 0845 6806837
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