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Tourism UK Ltd has now written business tourism strategies for 2 of the 9 regions of England.  Our latest work, undertaken for the East of England Development Agency, included an appraisal of the business tourism product within the six counties and an assessment of this product in the context of the expectations of the various busines tourism markets. 
"The East of England Development Agency (EEDA) has been been very impressed with the professionalism, knowledge and output of the work that Tourism UK brought to the development of a Strategic Action Plan for Business Tourism in the East of England.  Tourism UK analysed, understood and quickly identified a range of opportunities for the region to develop the Business Tourism sector, whilst fully taking into account the likely resources available to deliver the recommendations.  The action plan is based on a solid foundation of consultation and research which will allow partners and stakeholders to jointly work together to achieve some positive outcomes over the coming years."  Kevin Waters, EEDA
As a company we we have undertaken viability assessments of exhibition halls and conference centres across England, and have prepared marketing and business plans for conference venues and bureau. 
Tel: 0845 6806837
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